Saturday, August 18, 2012

When my husband proposed to me many years ago, he gave me the usual diamond ring, which I was elated to receive.  But an added surprise, later in the evening, after all the excitement of "being engaged", he brought out another small box.  He had a verse printed out from Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous wife?  For her worth is far above rubies."  Inside I found another ring which wraps around the diamond ring.  This ring contains a pair of rubies.  
I lost this ring a few years ago, as I had taken it off because the band was split.  My heart was sad because I couldn't find the ruby ring.  It was a reminder of that verse to me and of his love for me.
Since our wedding day, we have been blessed with 4 little gems - all of them boys.  They are growing a little every day and becoming young men.  I confess to being a little sad by the fact that they are moving toward independence from me.
Recently, I found the ruby ring again, which brought me almost as much happiness as the day it was given to me.  I am wearing it now - split band and all - until I can get it repaired so I don't lose it again.

I have never been one to "blog", although I have enjoyed many others.  I've always hated the "journal entries" I would write because they seemed to dwell on the negatives in my life.  So, I have avoided blogging.  I recently read a blog by a young woman with such encouragement in it, that I decided to give it a try.  It is my hope that this blog encourages others and myself to continue on the journey to being that woman whose price is above rubies as I raise my own precious gems.


  1. :0)...I hope you find time to write here. Having all those little boys is sure to give amusing anecdotes!
